Agility Coursework Classes

This class will prepare you and your dog for coursework.
You will start sequencing obstacles.

Prerequisite: Dogs 10 months or older, 80% success rate on all obstacles, and successful completion of Handling Skills class.
The session of four – 1 hour classes cost $175.

Paypal fees will be deducted from all refunds. There will be NO refunds after week one.
There will be a makeup provided if class is cancelled by Ace’n Agility. There will be no refunds, credits or make-ups given for classes missed by the students.

In this class you will be begin naming & training your dog’s verbal cues.
We will continue working on sequencing obstacles.

Prerequisite: Dogs 10 months or older, 80% success rate on all obstacles, and successful completion of Agility Drills & Skills class.
The session of four – 1 hour classes cost $175.

Paypal fees will be deducted from all refunds. There will be NO refunds after week one.
There will be a makeup provided if class is cancelled by Ace’n Agility. There will be no refunds, credits or make-ups given for classes missed by the students.

An intro level agility course will be worked on each week. We will be focusing on improving skills and course strategy. Introduction coursework is designed for teams with no previous course experience.

Dogs 1 year or older. Must be trained on all obstacles. Successful completion of Agility Drills & Skills 2.

The session of four – 1 hour classes costs $175.

Paypal fees will be deducted from all refunds. There will be NO refunds after week one.
There will be a makeup provided if class is cancelled by Ace’n Agility. There will be no refunds, credits or make-ups given for classes missed by the students.

A novice level agility course will be worked on each week. We will be focusing on improving course skills and strategy.

Dogs 1 year or older.
Must be able to do 6 full weaves.
Must have earned at least one Intro level title in any agility venue.

The session of four – 1 hour classes costs $175.

Paypal fees will be deducted from all refunds. There will be NO refunds after week one.
There will be a makeup provided if class is cancelled by Ace’n Agility. There will be no refunds, credits or make-ups given for classes missed by the students.

Dogs 1 year or older
Must be able to do 12 full weaves.
Must have earned at least one Novice level title in any agility venue.

The session of four – 1 hour classes costs $175.

Paypal fees will be deducted from all refunds. There will be NO refunds after week one.
There will be a makeup provided if class is cancelled by Ace’n Agility. There will be no refunds, credits or make-ups given for classes missed by the students.

An elite level agility course will be worked on each week. We will be focusing on improving course skills and strategy.

Dogs 1 year or older and must know verbal cues (out, here, back, go and switch).
Must be able to do 12 full weaves.
Must have earned at least one Open level title in any venue (or equivalent).

The session of four – 1 hour classes costs $175.

Paypal fees will be deducted from all refunds. There will be NO refunds after week one.
There will be a makeup provided if class is cancelled by Ace’n Agility. There will be no refunds, credits or make-ups given for classes missed by the students.

Handling techniques involve a blend of various elements: movement, positioning, footwork, hand signals, and verbal cues. The key principle is that the handler must be consistent in training and avoid sending mixed signals to the dog.

This class will cover various crosses, sends, turns, spins, and pushes. Along with distance and layering skills, we’ll work on learning how to select and apply handling techniques effectively.

Each month, different techniques will be introduced, allowing returning students learn new skills while also welcoming new students to join.

Dogs 1 year or older.
Must know verbal cues (out, here, back, go and switch).
Must be trained on all obstacles.

The session of four – 1 hour classes costs $175.

Paypal fees will be deducted from all refunds. There will be NO refunds after week one.
There will be a makeup provided if class is cancelled by Ace’n Agility. There will be no refunds, credits or make-ups given for classes missed by the students.