Getting started in your agility training journey can sometimes feel over whelming with all the options and information out there. We have listed the agility classes in the order we recommend you take them.

Agility Foundations Program

This is not your average agility foundations program. We’ve deconstructed every aspect of agility to design a curriculum that will build exceptional foundations for any pup/dog dreaming of agility. This program is for dogs and handlers of all skill levels.

We’ll be working on building your dog’s body awareness, overall self-confidence, physical strength, flexibility and coordination. We’ll even cover the foundations for handling so you and your dog will be confidently communicating and ready to conquer obstacle courses by the end of the program.

This course is different than most agility foundation classes. Rather than introducing obstacle and flatwork skills needed to run an agility course, this class lays out the critical skills that your dog needs for productive learning in agility classes. We will give your future agility star the resources and strengths to help create focus in the unique environment surrounding the sport of agility. Without these skills dogs can become frustrated, anxious, fearful, over aroused or any number of other undesirable behaviors that will compromise learning. While this class is specifically designed for the high-energy environment of agility, your dog can benefit from learning these skills for any dog sport.

Join us to build a confident and well-adjusted future agility star.

Prerequisite: Dogs 4 months or older.
The session of four – 1 hour classes costs $150.

Paypal fees will be deducted from all refunds. There will be NO refunds after week one.
There will be a makeup provided if class is cancelled by Ace’n Agility. There will be no refunds, credits or make-ups given for classes missed by the students.

To skip this class and go directly into Introduction to Agility, your dog must have the following skills:
Dog has a reliable recall
Dog does not lunge at other dogs
Dog crates calmly/quietly
Dog is comfortable around other dogs on a leash in a managed environment

Please email for exception

In this fun introduction class, we’ll encourage our dogs to think and try new things. They will be introduced to the tunnel, table, the agility tire, planks and stations.

Prerequisite: Dogs 4 months or older. Completion of Critical Skills for Future Agility Dogs
The session of four – 1 hour classes costs $175.

Paypal fees will be deducted from all refunds. There will be NO refunds after week one.
There will be a makeup provided if class is cancelled by Ace’n Agility. There will be no refunds, credits or make-ups given for classes missed by the students.

This is where real agility training starts! In this class, we’ll introduce the training aframe and dogwalk and start building fundamental skills for our future agility stars!

Prerequisite: Dogs 5 months or older and successful completion of Introduction to Agility.
The session of four – 1 hour classes costs $175.

Paypal fees will be deducted from all refunds. There will be NO refunds after week one.
There will be a makeup provided if class is cancelled by Ace’n Agility. There will be no refunds, credits or make-ups given for classes missed by the students.

In Foundations 2 we will build on you and your dog’s skills with beginning sequencing exercises and working on drive forward. We will also begin shaping more advanced distance work with our dogs. Dogs will be trained on the regulation contact equipment.

Prerequisite: Dogs 6 months or older, and successful completion of Agility Foundations 1.
The session of four – 1 hour classes costs $175.

Paypal fees will be deducted from all refunds. There will be NO refunds after week one.
There will be a makeup provided if class is cancelled by Ace’n Agility. There will be no refunds, credits or make-ups given for classes missed by the students.

Ever wondered how to build skills on some of the more complicated and challenging agility obstacles? Without a doubt, weave performances and the teeter are the hardest and most time-consuming obstacles we train our dogs to do that’s why we have a class dedicated to learning and mastering them.

Prerequisite: Dogs 8 months or older, and successful completion of The Foundations Program.
The session of four – 1 hour classes costs $175.

Paypal fees will be deducted from all refunds. There will be NO refunds after week one.
There will be a makeup provided if class is cancelled by Ace’n Agility. There will be no refunds, credits or make-ups given for classes missed by the students.

Most of our other classes are about teaching our dog new skills. Now it’s the handler’s turn! Learn to use your body to signal and change your dog’s direction with front, rear and blind crosses. Hope you’re ready for a skill-building workout!

Prerequisite: Dogs 10 months or older and 80% success rate on all obstacles.
The session of four – 1 hour classes cost $175.

Paypal fees will be deducted from all refunds. There will be NO refunds after week one.
There will be a makeup provided if class is cancelled by Ace’n Agility. There will be no refunds, credits or make-ups given for classes missed by the students.

Handler Fitness

This class is for anyone who wants to optimize their handling performance in a safe, efficient and effective manner! The single thing that comes close to a magic bullet, in terms of its strong and universal benefits, is core strength, balance and flexibility! The benefits will be significant for your handling and overall improvement in quality of your life. The workouts will be customized to your personal capabilities and tailored to change with your improvements!

1 hour class costs $35.

NO refunds. Signup is required. Class is for humans only/crate area available for dogs.