Advanced Skills for League Teams

Solidify your dog’s understanding of handling skills and verbal cues with a series of super fun proofing games! We will focus on a variety of verbals and handling moves to help your dog truly understand what they mean and how to execute them.
Learn drills that are easily completed in a small space and perfect for Arizona Summer training.

Prerequisite: LEAGUE TEAMS ONLY.
This 2-hour workshop costs $75.

NO refunds.

For students who want more time progressing the weave poles, this class will concentrate on strictly the weaves! More advanced students will add other obstacles to proof tricky entries / exits.

Prerequisite: LEAGUE TEAMS ONLY.
The session of four – 1 hour classes costs $175.

Paypal fees will be deducted from all refunds. There will be NO refunds after week one.

There will be a makeup provided if class is cancelled by Ace’n Agility. There will be no refunds, credits or make-ups given for classes missed by the students.

Learn the WHY and HOW of the “opposite” arm technique. Games will be presented for you to practice at home.

NOTE: This class is advanced handling, if you’re struggling with the basic crosses, this class is not for you YET.

Prerequisite: Dogs must have an understanding of their base cues. LEAGUE TEAMS ONLY.
The session of four – 1 hour classes cost $175.

Paypal fees will be deducted from all refunds. There will be NO refunds after week one.

There will be a makeup provided if class is cancelled by Ace’n Agility. There will be no refunds, credits or make-ups given for classes missed by the students.

Learn how to train and handle advanced distance concepts that are easily applied to coursework.
Get a series of small space distance skills games for you and your dog.

Prerequisite: Dogs should be able to perform jumps and tunnels safely and have the ability to do a multi-obstacle sequence. LEAGUE TEAMS ONLY.
The session of four – 1 hour classes cost $175.

Paypal fees will be deducted from all refunds. There will be NO refunds after week one.

There will be a makeup provided if class is cancelled by Ace’n Agility. There will be no refunds, credits or make-ups given for classes missed by the students.

Contact Training Is your dog prone to fly-offs? inconsistent running contacts?

More and more handlers desire a running A-frame. Some worry about the unknown long-term physical effects of stopping dogs on the obstacle. Some feel that their dog’s structure or a previous injury makes stopping him unsafe. Others have dogs that clearly indicate they aren’t physically comfortable with the behavior being asked for, no matter how hard the handler works on weight shift and motivation. And still others have competitive aspirations and want to perform the obstacle as quickly as possible. But no matter why you want a running A-frame, there is finally a realistic approach to teaching an accurate and consistent running A-frame to all varieties of dogs.

In this class we will be teaching Rachel Sanders’ A-frame “box” method. It promotes the stride lengths required for a dog to reach the contact zone and that are comfortable for the dog. This method is suitable for new agility dogs and to retrain competing dogs where appropriate.

Prerequisite: LEAGUE TEAMS ONLY..
The session of four – 1 hour classes costs $175.

Paypal fees will be deducted from all refunds. There will be NO refunds after week one.

There will be a makeup provided if class is cancelled by Ace’n Agility. There will be no refunds, credits or make-ups given for classes missed by the students.