Social Distancing while working on your dogs leash manners!
Would you like a stress-free walk with your dog, that leaves them wore out? Would you like to eliminate your dogs’ reactive pulling, lunging and barking at other dogs and people?
Your dog is getting exercised, learning better leash manners and everyone is practicing “Social Distancing”.
This class is presented via YouTube demos and email instructions. You and your dog work on the skills and practice at your dog’s pace, and at your convenience. 4 lessons, 1 per week @ $129 + tax.
Ellie has been a reactive dog nearly all her life, and in that time we’ve tried every technique we could think of to help manage her reactivity on walks, from counter-conditioning, to desensitization training, to walking her only under the cover of darkness. None of these methods have given us even half the success that circling has.
With circling, we have already seen a radical change in her behavior. She gets to keep moving, which she loves, and my husband and I have an effective tool that helps keep her calm — all without a single treat being deployed. In just a month of using this technique a few evenings a week, we’ve seen our environmentally-sensitive dog go from being tense and nervous on every walk to feeling comfortable enough to put her nose to the ground and explore. We have literally invested years and thousands of dollars on training, meds, and tools to try and give her the chance to live her best life, and nothing we have done worked this well.
Not only is it easy to get the hang of, but the effects it has had on our dog have gone beyond loose-leash walking. For the first time in her life, Ellie has been able to mingle with a group of other people and other dogs without spending the whole time barking and fighting the leash. She sat. She put her nose to the ground and sniffed. She explored the extent of her leash. She greeted people who wished to be greeted – all without making a peep.
This method works. – Erin S