Housetraining – Rebel
I don’t allow my puppies free rein of the entire house until I am 100% sure they will not be having any accidents. I manage my puppies with x-pens, crates and baby gates.
Below you will see my housetraining tactics for my Golden Retriever puppy, Rebel.
Rebel currently sleeps in a small crate that I have placed on my bed. She has slept through the night quietly since I brought her home, with this arrangement. As soon as she starts to stir, it’s potty time!
When we head outside, we go to the same area in the yard every time. I tell her “run potty, run run”
Make outdoors a very appealing place for your puppy. We have a puppy pool and lots of balls and tugs. I want my outdoor space to be high value, so she eagerly runs outside and enjoys her time there.
I have a larger crate setup in the living room where Rebel goes for her meals (this is a great way to add value to the crate). It’s a good idea to get your pup accustomed to a crate for many reasons, such as vet visits, travel, convalescence and safely.
When Rebel is permitted to play in the living room, all other doors are closed (baby gates are helpful for stairs to other levels). She goes outside every 10 minutes! YES every 10 minutes! IF she does not potty, she will be in her crate for 10 minutes, then back outside. I have tethered my puppies to me in the past, however watching the clock has worked really well for Rebel.
After play time, she is in an x-pen for napping and quiet playtime. I have 3 x-pens set up in the house, in various locations to give her a change of scenery. If she’s not outside, being held, or playing with my eyes glued to her, she is in an x-pen or a crate. She is happy to play/chew on a bully stick or chew toy, and nap there.
I am for sure running to the backyard for lots of potty time but have had zero potty accidents.
Recap when they need to potty:
First thing in the morning
Last thing at night
When playing indoors (my puppy goes outside every 10 minutes) time increases with age and reliability
After spending time in a crate
Upon waking up from a nap
After eating
After drinking
The quicker you convey the idea that there is an approved place to potty and that some places are off-limits, the quicker you’ll be able to put this messy chapter behind you.
If your pup has numerous accidents in the house, re-evaluate your management, consult with your veterinarian and/or research more housetraining hints (an excellent resource is